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Billy and Matt, The Previdi System
Why Poaching Is Overrated
Type: Tip Level: 2.5 - 5.0 Participation: None
TOPIC: Some players think that poaching a lot will make them a successful team but in our experience as players and coaches, we find that players need to understand their area of responsibility first and cover it well. Once they have learned this, then in the proper circumstances they can look for opportunities to expand the area they're covering and take some chances. Too many attempted poaches canledto disaster for your team.
EFFECT ON GAME: Be consistent and accurate first. Keep hitting set up shots and when you're ahead and the opportunity presents itself you can poach. But poaching alonewon'ywin you any matches against quality players. It has to be part of a systematic approach to doubles.
Why Poaching Is Overrated
Type: Tip Level: 2.5 - 5.0 Participation: None
TOPIC: Some players think that poaching a lot will make them a successful team but in our experience as players and coaches, we find that players need to understand their area of responsibility first and cover it well. Once they have learned this, then in the proper circumstances they can look for opportunities to expand the area they're covering and take some chances. Too many attempted poaches can led to disaster for your team.
EFFECT ON GAME: Be consistent and accurate first. Keep hitting set up shots and when you're ahead and the opportunity presents itself you can poach. But poaching alone won'y win you any matches against quality players. It has to be part of a systematic approach to doubles.